Let's talk about Fudge

Fudge is one of my favorite things at the holidays. Unfortunately, as a diabetic I can't have the real thing anymore, but I still obsess with the perfect batch of fudge. The really surprising news is that Fudge is likely an American invention! It's true. Well, it is sort of true. The fact is that the research that I did to find out about fudge did not have a pinpointed beginning to the convection. However, the general consensus was that Fudge was originally discovered in a failed carmel experiment, and the result was the use of the word 'fudge' to describe the feelings during that failure.
Imagine - fudge being the failure!
I have had many batches of failed fudge in my time, but when it goes just right, when the candy loses that gloss and is suddenly that matte, soft and silky goodness - it is heaven as both a taster and a cook.
It would have been easy to make fudge using the additions or 'cheat' recipes. Those recipes use something as a binder, rather than using the heat and effort of beating as ways to make it smooth and hold together. The 'cheat' varieties have marshmallow, corn syrup, or sweetened condensed milk, and while they have lots of chocolate goodness, they are not quite like the original with the specific instructions of when to leave it alone, and when to pick it up and beat it with a wooden spoon.
The foolproof recipes guarantee success, but I prefer to use the old-fashioned variety and take the risk. The reward is so much sweeter when it is possible to fail. I have failed many times, but more often, I received that sweet reward that only candy can deliver.
So, as you contemplate your baking and cooking for Christmas, don't forget to add in some of that original silky flavor of old fashioned fudge.